Saturday, August 10, 2013

Who does Bill Gross read?

This tweet will be meaningless to 99.9% of the population.  Here is my breakdown, which will hopefully reduce the gap.

Bill Gross is a genius, who happens to run the largest bond investor in the world, PIMCO--with over $2 trillion of assets under management.

"Durden" is the pseudonym of zero hedge's founder.  It refers to "Tyler Durden", the character played by Brad Pitt in the feature film "Fight Club."  Zero hedge is a blog known for its insightful, if irreverent tone towards government, the banking class, mainstream media, and zombified masses. 

Previously, their critics would label them fringe conspiracy theorists.  The only problem is they also happened to be prescient in predicting financial crises and exposing financial corruption.

The irony is you have one entity which represents the ruling financial elite, and one which includes alternative financial viewpoints--a blog which is admittedly anti-establishment.  That they share the same ideology should concern the dumbed-down and brain-washed investing public.

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